A car park for parent’s convenience is situated behind the Maddington Fire Station. Entry is one way off Attfield Street and exit onto Cowan Street. Normal road rules apply when collecting your children from school.
The crosswalk is attended between 8.15 am – 9.00 am and 2.30 pm – 3.30 pm each day (1.45pm – 2.25pm on Wednesdays).
Children are expected to use this service at all times when crossing Albany Highway. Children who need to cross the highway in school hours and outside the attendant’s hours of duty must arrange with the Principal for teacher supervision to cross.
Students who are eligible can apply to School Bus Services via their website. Parents wishing to apply for transport assistance please go to the website schoolbuses.wa.gov.au
The bus service is not run or organised by the school. It is through the Perth Transit Authority.
If you require assistance completing the application, please contact our front office and we are happy to help where we can.